
Before the party, we featured the badminton game. It was a friendly competition among our staff, who formed teams based on random draw. The game was a great way to showcase our skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship. We had a lot of fun playing and cheering for each other. The game also helped us to relax and bond with our colleagues. The game winners received cash prizes and gifts.
In the party, we reviewed the outstanding performance in the past year and expressed our gratitude to all the staff for their hard work and dedication. Thereafter, we outlined the vision and goals for the future, and encouraged everyone to face the new opportunities and difficulties with confidence and enthusiasm.
The highlight of the party was the award ceremony, where we rewarded 5 years/10 years/15 years contribution employees and the best sales employees. The winners received trophies, certificates, and cash prizes, and shared their experiences and feelings on stage.
We look forward to another fruitful and exciting year ahead.